We will post updates from Ukraine as we receive them. Please keep Ukraine in your prayers.
Section Title
Update 2/24/22
To our understanding, a lot of our male friends, aged 18-60, are being called to serve in the war if able. Please keep our friends, along with the rest of the Ukranian military, and their families in your prayers.
Also, many of our friends are working in shelters to aid the people fleeing. Please remember them as they continue to serve people in need. Also, remember the people that they are serving.Update from Nina:I am so overwhelmed by the outpouring of concern and care. As for now we are ok and the most asked question is how can we help? Can we send money?
As of now it is not feasible for us to receive money as banks and stores are closed. We will be needing help soon I am sure.If you are burdened to donate, please send your donations to Bethel Baptist church in care of the InspirationCentre. All of those donations will get to us in the best possible way when we need it the most .Thank you so much for all you are doing . Please keep us In Your prayers! We
You can donate by mailing a check.Please make it payable to Bethel Baptist Church and on the for line please note Inspiration Centre and mail to: -
Update 2/25/22 number 1
Please stop and pray for our friends in Ukraine . And as you go about your day and they come to your mind, pray. Pray that God places a hedge of protection around them.
Update from Nina;We’re in the basement Praying for us.
Update 2/25/22 number 2
Praise the Lord! We’re out and safe! Ukrainian soldiers have defeated the possible danger. God, help them
Update 2/27/22
God is good! He has blessed us with one more peaceful morning! Look at the sunshine in the cloud! Isn’t it amazing? On the picture you can see where is the basement. Thanks for prayers! Praise the Lord!
Update 2/28/2022
#1:God has answered all our prayers! All night we could sleep inside the InspirationCentre and there was no a signal at all! Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord! When I’ve opened the door and saw white snow, I was surprised but one Bible verse came to my mind - Mark 13:18 - And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter.
#2:Every day at 11 am we have Prayer meeting at the Inspiration Centre! Today we had our brother Sasha from Belarus who has shared the Word of encouragement, sang a song and led us in prayer! (Their Prayer Meeting is at 4:00 AM EST if you would like to pray specifically at this time.)
Psalm 34:7The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
Thank you for praying!(Pictures show the snow, basement where they go when danger is near, and their Prayer meeting.)#3.Yes, God's mercy endures forever! We're safe together with refugees and Gypsies at the Inspiration Centre. -
Update 3/1/2022
Update #1:
Today is the first day of spring! We’re still alive! Hallelujah!
Update #2:
A Ukrainian man, who fights for Ukraine now, shares: "I want to inspire those who pray for us with the words of our soldiers and ordinary people from different parts of Ukraine, where the battle takes place. Soldiers of Ukraine testify "We feel your prayerful support. Sometimes something really incomprehensible happens, as if someone's invisible hand is actually making bullets fly past us. We win in very difficult situations, as if someone is helping us. We are invisible to the enemy, while we ourselves become able to see in the dark, and we know what to do and how to do it. It inspires us and gives us strength. We believe that the Jesus Christ Himself is for Ukraine. We ask you not to stop, support us and continue to pray. We really need you ""
Update #3:
We’re praying at the InspirationCentre today while the shootings we’re going on… it’s scary! But God has saved one more soul! Hallelujah!!!
Please, don’t give up! Take time in your War Room to fight on your knees for Ukraine!
Update #4:Today three families got married! They didn’t have wedding… they have got official marriage certificates and blessings from pastors! On two “weddings” even brides’ parents weren’t able to come because of war in Ukraine! This condition corrects our traditions, our dreams, our desires… in the time of war they can do more being officially married and serve as as family!
Update #5:One lady, who sells veggies for the Inspiration Centre all the time, gave few boxes of mushrooms and apples for free for us today! God is doing such miracles! Hallelujah! We’re able to froze the mushrooms and also prepare delicious dinner - pasta + fried mushrooms
Update #6:Grocery shopping today! We took last bags of flour and pasta, the last boxes of cookies and we couldn’t find our favorite gypsy tea
it’s a huge problem for Gypsies… they may not have food and they’ll be fine… if they don’t have tea, they are in big trouble!
We praise God for all donations and support!
Update #7:One more news today… 3 families (my brother Sasha and Nazar, and my sister Olena) have left Ukraine today! They all have been a huge help at the Inspiration Centre ministry. And it’s sp hard to say goodbye in times like this… God has blessed them to leave before the boys can be taken to war… but at that moment they can be all together in Romania. They stay in Christian familiesthere now. Everything is fine but we do miss them at the Inspiration Centre. God has got a perfect plan! We do the best we can to reach lost people and win their souls for Jesus!
Here is one more prayer request… pray for them to make right decision what to do next… they all want to come back and keep the ministry growing but we have no idea how God will lead us… and it’s probably good! We’re thinking about evacuation of gypsy families, be praying for wisdom and God’s guidance in this case as well!
Update 3/2/2022
Update #1:
Good morning, Ukraine! We had few hours of peaceful sleep. Thank You, Lord! But our soldiers didn’t have it… pray for them hard! Pray for their strength and wisdom in make right actions in right time!There were shootings in our town but our army has defeated… they need our prayers!
Blessings to you all! The Bible is the only Book who gives us peace, strength and desire to press on!
Update #2:
Refugee shelter in cinema where my brother Oleg is a volunteer! There are a lot of people… and injured soldiers and crying kids… but most of all so many lost souls!!! It’s so scary! War is scary but what about hell? Christians, don’t wait on war in your country- GO and TELL everyone about better place in heaven through CROSS!
Update 3/3/2022
Update #1:
Praise God for one more peaceful morning!Pray for more people here to be saved today! It's the only one prayer request! God knows what is the best for it - to stop the war or to keep the war!For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark. 8:34 to 38)Update #2:
5 years ago God has opened that building for the ministry of the Inspiration Centre! I will always praise God for everyone who made it real! We didnt even expect how much more God will use this place! So many people have prayed for this bu ilding and inside this building... every corner is touched by prayer here! The hardest thing for me in the time of war would be to see the ruin of this building... today I touch the door every day with prayer!!! May God keep this building safe and everyone in it! Let it be the Ark of Noah now in Ukraine! Happy anniversary to us all!
Update #3:
Friends, thanks to your concerns! Sorry for not being able to be online because my phone gave up))) it switched off and I missed the emergency signal during the night.... so, we all slept and everyone was so exhausted that didnt hear all the noise. Now, I'll try the best go keep in touch with you. I was saving money to buy laptop, so i have got new phone today. God knows all our needs and I thank Him fof this provision. I used to have iphone, but now I have got Android... it takes time to adjust))) I feel myself too old for such things)We are safe now and we praise God for it!
Update 3/4/2022
Update #1:
Good morning! We are safe. Had great night, good sleep and peace in our area. We are tired ... but when we think about soldiers, we forget about our weekness. They need our prayers now.And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.Ephesians 2:8-9Update #2:
Our Roma missionarries who help to pack 15 potatoes and 5 onions in bags to give for poor people here. Now we know better what it means to be without food... so many people walk to the Inspiration Centre to get 1 loaf of bread for an hour... because there are no public transportation...
Update #3:
We take turns in having lunch or dinner as far as there are refugees and gypsies at the #InspirationCentreUA now. God, bless us!
Update #4:
My gypsy brothers and sisters are leaving Ukraine... it breaks my heart... I want gb to be is safe place but it is so hard to say good bye... pray for them to get well to final destination (Poland).
Update 3/5/2022
Update #1:
My dad is taking two more families to the border in Romania. Be praying for their safety as far as they will drive through one region where are shootings... the kids have left such note from the candies on the window... and I am crying here... I love those gypsies as my own family... God, bless them.
Update #2:
It is the grocerry store now... notmuch left and the prices are 15% more...
Update #3:
Our classrooms and bed rooms now. And i am so glad we are flexible and can keep serving God in the time of war at the #InspirationCentreUA
Update #4:
Rosana, her mom and 2 daughters are on the way to Romania. It will be hard without them at the #InspirationCentreUA but we trust God and pray for their safety!
Update 3/6/2022
Update 1:Good morning. We had two signals this night... it was very long and kids were scared... now one more family is leaving to Poland... bless thwir travels.... we have got new refugee families... God is good to give us an opportunity to rrach lost souls.
Update 2:My dear prayer warriors,
just a short note. We all are safe. I was going to record a video for you but I feel so exhausted now.... so I will do it tomorow early in the morning as far as I need to put kids to sleep... I stay at the IC all the time and your prayers make the differance here!
We praise God for letting us to reach lost souls who come to us right now! Lost people come to us!!! They come here for shelter and we can tell them about the shelter in Heaven... there are so many opportunities to serve for the glory of His kingdom.
I will do the best to send a video for you in the morning! Love you and have a blessed Sunday!
Update 3/7/2022
A video from Nina has been posted under Connect>Inspiration Centre Videos. Nina stated "Unfortumately, we dont trust the news much... I will share some info from personal experience during the war in Ukraine"
Further updates from Nina:Update #1:It is heart breaking to see how many families are separated now.... as far as men cant leave Ukraine, they take their families to more safe areas in Ukraine or another countries... mom is in tears... kids are screeming.... so mane have been already killed and there is no garantee that those families will be as a one family.... satan is at work. God is at work! What abouf you???
Update #2:We still have so many families in our area today where kids dont remember the day when they had bread on their table ... thanks to your donations we are able to help for local families as well. Many people have lost their jobs... many elderly people are alone....
Update #3:Those kids have seen war on their own eyes....
Update #4:Steven is 11. He came to the InspirationCentre together with his parents from Kharkiv. They lived 6 days in basement.... they have traveled 4 days trying to find a place to stay... they are not saved but their mom has shared so many stories how Gods angels protected them on their way to us. Steven makes such a wonderful progress playing the piano. He didnt take extra pair of shoes with him but he took his piano books to play for us. And now he is our sunshine at the IC
Update 3/9/2022 #1
Please continue to pray for our families in Ukraine as they continue to minister to the needs of the people that God is sending to them. The last 2 pictures in this post are from the Inspiration Centre Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. -
Update 3/9/2022 #2
Update from Nina:
Time with our dear Ukrainians who came from Western and Central Ukraine. Only two people are saved here... praying for their salvation!!!
Update 3/9/2022 #3
Update regarding Ukraine:Nina is doing fine. She is delegating tasks to others. Also, many of the refugees are stepping up trying to feel a part in such chaos and helping out at the center.These are a few words that we’ve been told by our friends on how they feel as of now: Scared, confused, angry, hopeful, tired, guilty, and numb.We can only imagine what it would be like to be in their shoes, but we were told that our prayers are being felt. Please continue to lift up our friends and the whole country as they go through this time. We pray that this nightmare will be over soon and our friends can start to return home and restore their lives as they used to be.If you feel led to donate, please know that all money you donate through Bethel goes to help people we know and trust there. You can send a check to:Bethel Baptist ChurchPO Box 276
Corryton TN 37721
In the memo line, please note Ukraine or Inspiration Center. Thank you so much in joining us in prayer for our friends and ministry partners. -
Update 3/10/2022
Update from Nina#1.Ephesians 6:11-12
If you pray for Ukraine, you do as much as our soldiers here.Thank you all#2.It is true. One family came to the IC from that city... theu may be somewhere on that picture here...
#3.So blessed to visit those kids whoay not die from war...but they may die from famine... their parents lost job... no public transportation... their village is far away from downtown...
Friends, thank you for being with us NOW. Your prayer support as much as donations mean so much for us now!
Update 3/11/2022 Update #1
6 ways to Pray for Ukraine today from Nina
Update 3/11/2022 Update #2
We start 24/7 sisters prayer chain for Shepetivka and the Inspiration Centre. You can take 1 hour or 30 min each day and pray for Gods protection and salvation of lost souls.
4 am and 11 am Kyiv time are still open. If you are willing to join this powerful prayer war, please, comment this post and mention the time (Kyiv time zone please)
This photo was taken today... it is the Inspiration Centre in Shepetivka. Many of you habe been here personally and probably overyone of you have been here prayerfully!
As I was thinking about the war... I came to the conclusion that the hardest thing in my life would be to see the ruins of this building... I am not afraid to be killed and go to heaven... but I can not imagine that someone can destroy in a second what God has built in 5 years! It is not just a building... it is a place of INSPIRATION for sooooo many people, especially now! We pray for God's miracle and protection of this building to be used for His glory only!
Now I live here and open that door from inside with a prayer of praise for the IC. I touch that door as I used to do 5 years ago with such faith and inner peace.
Thank you all for joining God's work on this earth)
Update 3/12/2022
I try not to post negative info... because you can find so much on the news... but it is what happends in the van while we are trying to evacuate moms with kids... all we need is your dedicated prayers.... not 1-2 minutes... please, take more time to fight on your knees for Ukraine!
Baking pies at the Inspiration Centre to help others. Love - pray - help
Update 3/13/2022
A video from Nina has been posted under Connect>Inspiration Centre Videos. Nina shares Phillipians 1:12.
Update from Nina:
My Facebook page is loaded with messages asking how am I doing. And seriously, I am speechless. Seems like all the words have gone somewhere together with the normal life. I am tired of reading the news and hearing the stories from my friends, where they have been saying that:-the whole family together with the kids were killed when they were trying to use the agreed green corridor and thought that they are about to escape and be safe.-the maturity center, the hospitals, the churches were shelled, the peaceful places with no army, no weapon, no danger!
- growing number of peaceful people are being killed every day, those who two weeks ago had their own future plans and wishes.
-people that have to stay with no food, no water, no electricity, no heat together with their kids for days.
-nuclear power stations that are under the control of russians and the thoughts of what might happen next.
For what all this? Just for what?
It is the DAY 18th. 18 days between life and death, light and darkness, truth and lie.Dreaming to wake up without checking the news first, sleep without the sirens and live without fear... God, help us, please!
The night is coming, let it be calm for of all us! -
Update 3/16/2022
Good morning, Ukraine!
Praise God... just praise God after spending 5 hours in the bunker this night, we all are safe now! Our soldiers have defeated! God is good! Thank you so much for your prayers!!! Thank you!
Everyday at 11 am we have prayer time at the #InspirationCentreUA and we do believe in the power of the prayer!
We are still safe and we have realized how much you need for your life!
There are a lot of positive sides of war... more paople stay on their knees and they stay longer!!! Praise the Lord!!!
Update 3/18/2022
You know, during war we learned to pack our backpack with the most important things. Among them are personal ID, the Bible (paper version, for you might not be able to charge your gadget), some protein bars, water, and other things.. We also have to remember address and phone numbers of our loved ones to reach out at any time..
By the way we have to carry around our ID all the time. Police asks for it, so that they might know where you belong...
When we die one day, we will not take a lot with us. But something we will take. It is our spiritual identity, is it in Jesus? The "heavenly police" would check if we belong there or not...Ps.It is going well in my area. Few drones and more than hundred of missiles were fired our way, but they mostly were shut down without reaching their target. The local news do not report any deths, some injuries.. And lots of damage.
According to the weather forecast, we are getting storms in the Black Sea... Waves and strong winds might be a good protection for our port city.Dayly we hear some sirens, some shootings, mostly because of our guys are clearing up the sky for us....But, IN GOD WE TRUST!It doesn't mean it will be easy. We still Trust...
Update 3/20/2022
A video from Nina has been posted under Connect>Inspiration Centre Videos. Nina shares
2 Timothy 2:2.
The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
And the best news is 2 more lost souls have found joy of salvation today! So many people began to come to church now! We keep praying for American preacher to come here... of God is calling you, let me know, please!
Update 3/22/2022
A video from the Bible Study at the Inspiration Centre is posted under Connect>Inspiration Centre Videos. Nina said we all are safe, had wonderful Bible study and many people to serve...
Joshua 23:8
But cleave unto the LORD your God, as ye have done unto this day.
Praising God for giving us such an opportunity of fellowship!The Inspiration Centre is cooperating with local goverment to help for refugees, especially for Roma refugees who have NOTHING at all... they tried hard to survive in peaceful time....but today their life is a battle everyday... glad we can help together with local Catholic church who have got food boxes from Poland and shared with our ministry. -
Update from 3/23/2022
I ask all churches, where I have been and have not personally been, to join us in prayer and fasting! Please, pray for stopping the war on March 27!May God's will be done...
Update 3/27/2022 number 1
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Update 3/27/2022 number 2
Such a joy to be with church today and praise God together with refugees. God is worthy all glory!!!
Update 3/29/2022 Update #1
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Update 3/29/2022 Update #2
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Update 3/31/2022
No seats at the Inspiration Centre now... God has blessed us with spiritual revival in Ukraine... thanks to war....
Update 4/2/2022
There was an air strike within Shepetivka today. Nina is okay. She will let us know more once she is able to.
Please pray diligently. -
Update 4/3/2022
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Update 4/4/2022
English Club room was the first classroom renovated at the begining of the Inspiration Centre Ministry! Today this is a bedroom for refugees. We have beds instead of tables and chairs... I am so glad that through the war God is changing our hearts and also the way of reaching lost people... but we serve God who is the same in the time of peace and in the time of war... He isnt changed and His love is the same! Praise the Lord!
Update 4/24/2022
A video from Nina has been posted under Connect>Inspiration Centre Videos. Nina shares "Happy Easter in Ukraine! On that great holiday we praise God for giving us a wonderful family through the blood of Jesus Christ!"
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Update 8/24/2022
Update #2:
Thank you all for your prayers!We're safe and ready to go to bed!
New challenges but God is in control!
Update #1:
Air Raid Sirens all day today in our town! We need prayers now! Please, stop right now whatever you're doing and say a prayer for us! We trust God!